Introducing: El Moises, Artist of the Week February 14-21
Posted on | 2/17/11 | No Comments
I met Moises in late 2010 at a barbecue for artists given at the home of Scott Garcia and I was super excited by his stimulating, textural and graphic style. This interview was given on February 13, 2011 and you will find even more awesome pictures after the break.
More of Moises' art! and an update.
Posted on | 2/14/11 | No Comments
So, today was the first day of set up for the show. It was exhausting but a lot of fun. I took a ton of photos of every step of the process so you all can see what goes into setting up an installation of this scale. It will be a few days before I get a chance to edit the pics and write the post, so expect it next weekend. See more art below:
Announcing Feb. 14- 21 Artist of the Week: El Moises
Posted on | 2/13/11 | 3 Comments
Hello all!
Today I am happy to announce this weeks Artist of the Week is El Moises (image is of the artist with a piece):
El Moises is a kicka$$ contemporary artist based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico but originally from Phoenix, Arizona. His work is visually exciting, graphic and textural (as well as being some of the most exciting work I've seen in a while).
I will be putting the interview with him up on Wednesday but in the mean time I plan post a picture of some of his work every day of this week. Here is the first:
516arts show update
Posted on | 2/7/11 | No Comments
I contacted Rhiannon Mercer, the assistant director of 516arts and told her of my interest in helping to set up this show and specifically with Pepon if possible. She is making up the schedule today and I will definitely be participating with set up in some way although I don't yet know if I will meet or work with Pepon personally. I will try to get some kind of interview with him if at all possible. Excuse my fan girl behavior but I'm super excited :D
I will keep you all informed of everything that happens. Here is some of Pepon's art for you to enjoy in the mean time.
For your convenience!
Posted on | 2/6/11 | No Comments
I'm working hard to clean up the look of this blog, create good content and use decent hacks to make the blog easier to use. Check out the new share buttons I've installed to make it easier for you to show the blog to your friends.
Let me know what else I can do to make this blog better using the contact me button on the left side of the page. :)
Pepon Osorio at 516arts in Albuquerque, New Mexico Feb.19th - May 14 2011. OMG!
So, through a fluke of fate or luck or gods know what, I entered the wrong search parameters into google when finding links for my last post and randomly discovered something amaaaazing. The local gallery I love/hate and volunteered at is participating in "Latina/o Visual Imaginary: Intersection of Word & Image" a show running from February to May as part of the "East Coast/Southwest—Latino Literary Imagination: Narrative Voices and the Spoken Word" biregional conferance. By some vile quirk of fate this show opens just 2 days after I leave Albuquerque forever to return to Puerto Rico, before moving to China. This sucks, to put it lightly and has got me a bit down. I cut ties with this gallery in disgust with some of the IMO crappy shows they were doing about a year ago and boy am I regretting it now. I am trying to suck up to a few pertinent people to see if there is any way I can help with the installation this but I'm not counting on it. I will let you know if I manage to participate though and will try to get an interview with Pepon Osorio if possible!
If you want to learn more, go here for more information. I can guarantee you that this show will be excellent so you should definitely go in my place! Let me know if you attend and gimme all the details!
Concept art: is it really that lame??
Art as commodity: Hirst & the value of "art"
How the way people speak of art shows arts role in culture
Posted on | 2/4/11 | No Comments
The responsibility of being an artist?

one to do anything (I’m paraphrasing). Do we, as artists, have a responsibility to use art to make political/cultural/social statements?